• Do not miss this beautiful and insightful book (and exhibition) by Elizabeth Ogilvie: Out of Ice. Black Dog Publishing, London.
  • The Effect of Arctic Climate Changes on the Weather in Sweden. Article written by Dr. Torben Koenigk from the Rossby Center, SMHI, for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency: Naturvårdsverket. Article in English: HERE.
  • BBC Radio 4, series Natural Histories: Whales. Dr Níels Einarsson, Director of the Stefansson Arctic Institute in Akureyri, appeared on a BBC Radio 4 programme on 23 November 2015 contributing with research findings on whale watching, changes in Arctic coastal communities and socioeconomic impacts of tourism, in a series called Natural Histories, in an episode on Whales. GREENICE is specifically highlighted in the introduction on the BBC website. Listen: HERE.

  • Vikings were not spurred to Greenland by warm weather. Dr Astrid Ogilvie, Stefansson Arctic Institute, gave several media interviews in regard to a recent study by Young et al. (2015) which suggested that the Norse settlement of Greenland around AD 985 were advanced, and that they continued in this phase for the entire period that the Norse remained (to ca. 1450) and her comments were quoted in both the Independent and Guardian newspapers (e.g. SEE HERE). Dr Ogilvie’s conclusions in the interviews were that the new study undermined the climate deterministic theory that the Norse went to Greenland during a period of favourable climate in the North Atlantic, and died out when it became colder. See also: HERE.
  • Governing the Arctic Seas: Fisheries, Oil and Environment. Panel Discussion Public Event on 23 September 23 2015 at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, in which Dr. Einarsson participated. For more information: SEE HERE.
  • Selling off the sea: how our fish lost their freedom to market forces. Dr Einarsson’s research on the socioeconomic dimensions of Arctic fisheries governance was featured in an article in The New Statesman of 21 July 2015. Read: HERE.



OUTREACH material:

  • GREENICE general presentation (2 slides): HERE.
  • GREENICE leaflet: HERE.
  • GREENICE logo: HERE.