- Workshop on Climate Prediction in the Arctic-Atlantic sector, 13-14 June 2016, Bergen, Norway – The aim of this joint workshop is to harvest the synergy between and to exploit the networks of the project GREENICE, EPOCASA and PARADIGM, and the Research Group 2 at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. For further details and list of attendees: CLICK HERE. For presentations, visit our Results page: http://greenice.w.uib.no/dissemination/results/.
- 4th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, “From Research to Actions and Transformation”, 29 – 31 August 2016, Bergen, Norway – Conference organised by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR), with support from the University of Bergen and Uni Research Climate. An inspiring event on climate adaptation, with focus on Northern Europe, where scientists, practitioners and stakeholders met to discuss scientific findings, adaptation experiences, plans and practices. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (GREENICE relevant page: 51) and information on the conference here: the BCCR’s coverage of the event. Download the GREENICE presentation here.
- CLIVAR Open Science Conference “Charting the course for climate and ocean research”, 18-25 September 2016, Qingdao, China. – The World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) Core Project on Climate and Ocean – CLIVAR – invites the international climate community to review the state of the science, to prioritize international research plans and to initiate new collaborations. In addition to the main event, an Early Career Scientists Symposium will take place on the weekends before and after the main Conference. Visit the CLIVAR conference website.
- GREENICE (represented by Dr Noel Keenlyside) co-organised a WCRP sponsored workshop on Understanding, modelling and predicting weather and climate extremes, Oslo, Norway, 5-7 October 2015. This orkshop was aimed at building a consensus among around 30+ invited experts on our understanding of this topic. More information HERE.
- GREENICE (presented by Dr Níels Einarsson) co-organised a workshop on The Consequences of Rights-Based Fisheries in the Arctic. This was a conference of international experts on fisheries management in the Arctic co-sponsored by the Dartmouth College Institute of Arctic Studies and the Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland, 21-23 September 2015 at artmouth College, New Hampshire, USA. More information: HERE.
- Summer school on “Impact of climate change on the marine environment with special focus on the role of changing extremes”, 24 – 30 August 2015, Askö Laboratory, Trosa (Sweden) – International advanced PhD course co-organised by the “Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management” (BEAM) and Baltic Earth programmes and funded by BEAM. The course will provide students with interdisciplinary scientific knowledge on climate variability and ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea catchment area and other regions surrounding coastal seas with similar climatic and environmental conditions (North Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Barents Sea, Laptev Sea, etc.). The aim is to develop an understanding of how changing climate influences biogeochemical and carbonate cycles and upper levels of the food web to enable the students’ participation in discussions on how to manage the Baltic Sea and to accommodate various stakeholder perspectives. The School is open to graduate students and early career researchers in marine sciences and associated fields.
Application Deadline: 30 May 2015 - 9th Graduate Climate Conference, November 6th-8th 2015, Woods Hole, Massachussetts (USA) – the goal of this graduate student-organised conference is to assemble a broad range of talks and posters featuring high-quality student research focused on past, present, and future climate, its changes, and their impacts. Students at all stages of their graduate career are encouraged to apply, and abstracts on climate research from a variety of disciplines from the sciences, engineering, and humanities are sought, including: oceanography, atmospheric sciences, biology, geosciences, environmental science and engineering, geography, public policy, economics, law, ethics, and anthropology. The abstract submission period is now open and closes June 1st 2015. Lodging and meals are provided for all participants, and limited travel funds are also available. For more information and to submit an abstract: visit the website.
- NAS Climate Predictability Workshop – Workshop on Predictability of Climate in the North Atlantic Sector, June 11-13th 2014, Bergen, Norway, co-sponsored by projects GREENICE, EPOCASA and PRACTICE. For further details, list of attendees and presentations: CLICK HERE.