The GREENICE consortium consists of 7 research centres distributed across Nordic countries and Russia, and 2 Norwegian hydroelectric companies. We welcome external collaborations and actively seek potential stakeholders (such as private and public industry in the areas of renewable energy, e.g., hydropower and wind, but also non-renewable energy and shipping sectors) to provide key input to experimental design, so that GREENICE may best serve their needs.

Logo-Uib University of Bergen (UiB) (Norway) Ho Nam (Hoffman) Cheung
Paul Hezel (Associate partner¹)
Noel Keenlyside (Coordinator)
Martin King
Camille Li
Fumiaki Ogawa
Nour Eddine Omrani
Mahaut de Vareilles (Project Manager)
Justin Wettstein
NERSC-Logo_0 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) (Norway) Yongqi Gao
Lingling Suo
Linling Chen (Associate partner¹)
smhi Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) (Sweden) Ralf Döscher
Torben Königk
Ramon Fuentes Franco
Markus Meier
Per Pemberton
Semjon Schimanke
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) (Denmark) Bo Christiansen
Christian Rodehacke
Marianne Sloth Madsen
Martin Stendel
Tian Tian
Shuting Yang
sai Stefansson Arctic Institute (SAI) (Iceland) Níels Einarsson
Astrid Ogilvie
IORAS P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IORAS) (Russia) Sergey Gulev
Natalia Tilinina
Olga Zolina
Igor Zveryaev
IAPRAS A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAPRAS) (Russia) Vladimir Semenov
Mirseid Akperov
Maxim Arzhanov
Alexander Chernokulsky
niersc Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NIERSC) (Russia) Leonid P. Bobylev
BKK Bergenhalvøens Kommunale Kraftselskap AS(BKK) (Norway) Ina K. Kindem
agder energi Agder Energi (AE) (Norway) Tarjei Breiteig
Bernt Viggo Matheussen
IAP cropped Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre (China) Tao Wang (Associate partner¹)
GRENE Arctic Climate Change Research Project, with Jinro Ukita and Koji Yamasaki from Hokkaido University (Japan) Associate partner¹
Guillaume Gastineau, LOCEAN – UPMC (France), in synergy with EU FP7 NACLIM Associate partner¹
NordForsk TRI funded project GreenMAR Associate partner¹
¹Associate partners will be all institutions, organisations, programmes and research groups or individuals that, not being directly members of the consortium, have expressed an interest in collaborating with GREENICE or becoming active stakeholders.